What differentiates Paramount Associates from other construction consulting firms?
Paramount Associates offers our clients a "specialization" in the mechanical contracting industry. Our in-depth knowledge and more than 80 years of hands-on mechanical contracting experience sets us apart from every other consulting firm. To our knowledge, no other consulting firm in the nation can match Paramount Associates when it comes to mechanical contracting expertise!
What is mechanical contracting?
Mechanical Contracting or Construction most often refers to the following trades: Plumbing, HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning), Refrigeration, Process Piping, Fire Protection, Controls work and in most cases Underground Utilities. The mechanical trades listed above can, on most projects, constitute 10% - 40% or more of the total cost of construction.
Does that mean that you don’t know anything about the other construction trades?
Of course not! Our staff has a complete and comprehensive knowledge of the other major and supporting trades involved in the construction process. We have to in order to effectively service our clients. In fact, a lot of the work we do, like schedule analysis and litigation support, is “craft neutral”. By that we mean it is independent of specific trades and fairly universal in its scope.
So who exactly are your clients?
Our clients consist of owners, general contractors, other subcontractors, attorneys and surety companies. In other words we service anyone who is involved in the construction industry.
Why don’t I see a client list or flashy testimonials like on other websites?
You don’t see them now and you never will! Discretion and anonymity is a key component of our service package. Whether utilizing Paramount in a risk management or in a business improvement situation, your business will always remain strictly that, “Your Business” (unless Paramount is compelled to do so by law). You will never hear about one of our staff discussing your case or issues outside of our “relationship.” We do not need to use your good name and reputation to leverage additional engagements.
Then how does Paramount get new business?
The old fashion way – through word of mouth! We have been fortunate that our past clients have been satisfied to such an extent, that they willingly and without solicitation, have spread the name of Paramount Associates to other friends and firms in the construction industry. This provides Paramount a steady supply of new and repeat business.
I see that you are located in Minnesota. Do you only service clients from that state?
While the majority of our past business has originated from the upper Midwest, Paramount has also serviced clients from the south and from both coasts.
What kinds of construction projects has your staff been involved with?
Our experienced staff has been involved with all types of contracting projects including commercial, industrial, residential (including multi-family), and power/process. For a representative list of projects worked, check our Project List section of this website.
Do you work with every client that approaches you?
Actually we don’t. In fact we turn away almost as many clients as we work with. That is why our initial consultation is free! Because we are a smaller “boutique firm,” we limit the amount of work we take in order to effectively and professionally service our clients. We focus on service and performance. Because of that commitment to excellence, we would rather (and do) turn away assignments that would undermine that commitment to our existing client base.
So how many assignments do you take a year?
Obviously it differs from year to year based upon the size and complexity of the assignments but at present we work on approximately 30-40 engagements a year.
Are you expensive?
Each assignment is valued based upon its size and complexity. The larger, more complex the project, the more resources are required to complete the assignment. There are economies of scale afforded to larger projects that just aren’t available in a smaller project. While we are certainly not the most expensive firm in the country, we are not the cheapest either. We value our expertise and professionalism the same way our client values their experience and professionalism pricing their work. A better understanding can be found under the Fee Schedule section of this website.
How do I contact you?
We can be contacted at the following:
Paramount Associates, LLC
6340 Highland Hills Blvd.
Cottage Grove, MN 55016
P - 651.365.0300
F - 651.365.0301
Email: email paramountassociates